Quantum Sequestion 2011

A Site Specific Sculpture for
Sculpture by the Sea, Aarhus, 2011


5 spheres of Danish Hardwoods;
1 @ 3mtr diameter,
1 @ 2.7mtr diameter,
2 @ 2.4 mtr diameter,
1 @ 1.8 mtr diameter.


‘Carbon atoms craft delicate balance in our living system. Contemporary civilisation perceives this living system as a sphere that humans are affecting… ball park figures are alarming…’

The 5 spheres are oriented through the space near Varna Palace to merge the foliate world with the spaces we humans move within. 2 of the spheres are placed within the forest and sight lines become beautifully composed between the land, forest and the Danish seascape backdrop. And so it is with Quantum Sequestion, that with people flowing between the spheres of stored carbon molecules at Varna, the sculpture becomes truly complete.

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